There I sat, waiting for the slow hymn played by the organist to end. I noticed my foot tapping at a rapid pace. C’mon, can’t you play it any faster? As the hymn ended, the pastor introduced me and I walked up to the pulpit. Back in college you couldn’t pay me enough to speak […]
mental health
May 11, 2015
April 11, 2015
Going back to my alma mater – St. Olaf College – always feels a bit weird. There are so many changes since I graduated over 30 years ago. New buildings I can’t find my way around, all the roads on campus now have street signs, and the biggest change is that Ytterboe Residence Hall, rebuilt after […]
March 11, 2015
“So, what is it you exactly DO do?” – Young Frankenstein, the movie A couple years back I spent eighteen months holed up in my everything-I-do-for-a-living studio and was hardly able to escape the room as I wrote my manuscript for my first book. My husband would pop his head in the door @ 11:00 pm, tell […]